A variety of premium cigars neatly displayed in a humidor. cigar brands in our humidor

Cigar 101: Cigar Brands in our Humidor

We take pride in curating a collection of cigars that will satisfy both the seasoned smoker and the newbie. Our humidor is packed with premium cigars from some of the best brands in the industry. Whether you’re searching for something bold, smooth, or infused, we’ve got a cigar for every palate. Here’s a look at the brands we carry and a brief introduction to what makes each one special: 

Cigar Brands in our Humidor


Aksum cigars are a newer addition to our collection, offering a unique smoking experience with rich, aged tobaccos and bold flavors. Known for their craftsmanship, Aksum cigars are perfect for those looking for something fresh but expertly made.


Known for their signature infusion of herbal, botanical, and sweet notes, Acid cigars are one of the most distinctive flavored cigars available. With a cult following, these cigars offer an aromatic experience that deviates from traditional tobacco flavors.

Aging Room

Crafted with the finest aged tobaccos, Aging Room cigars stand out for their complexity and balance. They cater to smokers who appreciate rich, flavorful cigars with a refined profile, offering a range of medium to full-bodied options.

Alec & Bradley

Alec & Bradley cigars, founded by the sons of the legendary Alan Rubin, aka Alec Bradley cigars, focus on innovation and quality. These cigars are known for their smooth construction and well-balanced flavors, blending classic techniques with new ideas to create exciting new experiences.

Alec Bradley

With a legacy of premium cigars, Alec Bradley is celebrated for its diverse line-up and commitment to quality. Their cigars are known for smooth, flavorful smoking experiences and are popular for both new smokers and connoisseurs alike.

Arturo Fuente

A family-owned brand with a long history of excellence, Arturo Fuente cigars are some of the most revered in the world. Whether it’s the luxurious OpusX line or their more affordable blends, Fuente cigars are known for impeccable construction and rich, flavorful profiles.

Brick House

Brick House cigars offer a perfect balance of strength and smoothness. Built with rich Nicaraguan tobaccos, these cigars provide a bold yet accessible flavor, making them a favorite among smokers who enjoy a solid, consistent smoke.


CAO cigars are known for pushing boundaries with innovative blends and bold flavors. From the heavily infused blends to the more traditional offerings, CAO cigars are crafted with precision, creating unique and complex experiences that stand out.


With their roots deeply entrenched in bold, full-bodied cigars, Camacho has become synonymous with strength and power. Their cigars are perfect for smokers who prefer a cigar that packs a punch, with deep, rich flavors and a robust smoking experience.


Perhaps one of the most recognized names in cigars, Cohiba is synonymous with luxury. Their cigars offer a range of mild to full-bodied options, each delivering a sophisticated and complex flavor profile. Cohiba cigars are perfect for those who want a premium smoking experience.

Crowned Heads

Known for their boutique blends, Crowned Heads cigars offer something unique for discerning smokers. These cigars are carefully crafted with high-quality tobaccos to deliver rich, flavorful experiences, making them a must-try for aficionados.


A luxury brand with a reputation for excellence, Davidoff cigars are the epitome of sophistication. Their refined, creamy profiles are ideal for those who appreciate smooth, high-quality cigars with a rich, balanced flavor.


Deadwood cigars, made by Drew State, offer rich, flavorful blends with a touch of sweetness. Known for their bold, fun flavors and aromatic profiles, Deadwood cigars are a great choice for those looking for a unique, flavorful smoke.


Diesel cigars are known for their full-bodied, hearty flavors. With robust, smoky profiles and rich complexity, Diesel cigars offer a satisfying experience for those who enjoy strong, flavorful cigars with depth.

EP Carrillo

E.P. Carrillo cigars are handcrafted with precision and attention to detail. Known for their rich, complex profiles and smooth finish, these cigars are perfect for those who appreciate a well-constructed smoke with bold yet refined flavors.


FLVR cigars offer a unique take on the traditional cigar experience with a selection of flavored cigars. Infused with aromatic flavors, these cigars provide a sweet and smooth smoking experience for those seeking something different.

Havana Honey

Havana Honey cigars are known for their sweet and smooth profile, thanks to their honey-infused tobacco. These flavored cigars offer a mellow, easygoing smoking experience perfect for beginners or those who enjoy a sweeter smoke.

H. Upmann

With a legacy stretching back to the 1800s, H. Upmann cigars are known for their consistency and quality. They offer a balanced, medium-bodied smoke with flavors that range from smooth and creamy to rich and complex, depending on the line.

Java by Rocky Patel

Java cigars are a perfect marriage of Rocky Patel’s renowned craftsmanship and the rich flavors of coffee. These flavored cigars are a favorite among those who enjoy a sweet, creamy smoke with a touch of espresso.

La Aurora

La Aurora cigars are rich in history, being the oldest factory in the Dominican Republic. Known for their smooth, flavorful profiles, these cigars combine aged tobaccos to create cigars with elegance and depth.

Leaf by Oscar

Leaf by Oscar cigars are known for their unique packaging – wrapped in a tobacco leaf instead of cellophane. These cigars offer rich, earthy flavors and are perfect for those who appreciate a bold, full-bodied smoke.


Montecristo cigars are one of the most iconic brands in the world, known for their smooth, complex flavors. With a wide range of options, Montecristo cigars offer everything from light to medium-bodied blends that appeal to all kinds of smokers.


Macanudo is a favorite for smokers who prefer a mild, smooth cigar. Known for their consistent quality and refined flavor profiles, Macanudo cigars are perfect for beginners or anyone looking for a gentle yet flavorful smoking experience.

My Father

My Father cigars are crafted by the Garcia family, known for their premium Nicaraguan tobacco. These cigars are robust and flavorful, offering rich complexity and smooth finishes that make them a top choice for many cigar aficionados.


Nub cigars offer a unique experience with their short, robust profiles designed to deliver the most intense flavor in a small format. These cigars are ideal for those who want a rich, quick smoke without sacrificing quality.


Oliva cigars are celebrated for their rich, smooth flavors and consistent construction. With blends ranging from mild to full-bodied, Oliva cigars are crafted using top-quality Nicaraguan tobacco, ensuring an exceptional smoking experience.


Padron cigars are known for their full-bodied, rich flavors. These cigars are made with aged Nicaraguan tobaccos and are renowned for their consistent construction and bold, complex profiles.

Perla Del Mar

Perla Del Mar cigars offer a mild to medium-bodied smoke that’s rich in flavor. Known for their smooth smoking experience, these cigars are a great choice for beginners or anyone looking for a refined, everyday cigar.


Perdomo cigars are handcrafted with Nicaraguan tobaccos and are known for their smooth, flavorful blends. Their consistency and quality make them a go-to for those who enjoy a full-bodied, complex smoke.


Punch cigars are known for their bold, full-bodied flavor. Crafted with a blend of rich, hearty tobaccos, Punch cigars offer a smoking experience full of depth and intensity.

Romeo y Julieta

Romeo y Julieta is one of the most respected names in the cigar world. Offering a wide range of blends, their cigars are known for their smooth, balanced flavors and exceptional construction.

Rocky Patel

Rocky Patel cigars are known for their consistent quality and innovative blends. With a wide selection of cigars ranging from mild to full-bodied, they provide a smooth smoking experience with rich, flavorful profiles.


Tatiana cigars are a great choice for smokers who enjoy a flavored cigar. Known for their aromatic infusions, Tatiana cigars offer a smooth, sweet-smoking experience with a variety of unique flavors.


Undercrown cigars, made by Drew State, are full-bodied cigars known for their complexity and rich flavors. With bold notes of spice and earth, these cigars offer a satisfying smoke that’s ideal for those who enjoy a stronger profile.

Smoke With Us!

We carry all these exceptional cigar brands in our humidor and more to ensure you can always find the perfect cigar to suit your taste. Whether you’re relaxing with a full-bodied Nicaraguan or savoring a mild, smooth smoke, we’ve got you covered. Stop by today and explore our humidor to discover your next favorite cigar! The holidays are coming up, which means it’s definitely time to restock your humidor at home. Keep an eye out for deals and discounts for your favorite brands on Instagram and Facebook! If you don’t follow us be sure to hit that follow button because we always have new and exciting things happening! Sip, Smoke, Savor friends! See you in our Humidor soon!