A selection of premium Davidoff Cigars displayed in a humidor.

Announcing! We Are Now Carrying Davidoff Cigars!

We’ve always prided ourselves on offering the best selection of cigars for our customers. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker, a cigar lover, or just starting to explore the world of fine cigars, we’ve worked hard to bring you the finest brands and premium blends. Well, we’ve got some big news that’s sure to make your next visit even more exciting: we’re now carrying Davidoff Cigars!


If you know cigars, you know Davidoff. Along with Padrón and Fuente, Davidoff is one of the most respected and renowned names in the industry. These brands have set the gold standard for craftsmanship, flavor, and consistency. Now, with Davidoff joining our lineup alongside Padrón and Fuente, we’re offering you the trifecta of cigar excellence.


This is, without a doubt, the most significant development in our humidor since we opened our doors. It’s a momentous occasion, and we’re beyond excited to share it with you. You asked for it, and we made it happen—thanks to all of you for continuing to support us and make these dreams a reality!

Why Davidoff?

For those who may not be familiar, Davidoff has been a symbol of premium cigar quality for decades. Their cigars are crafted with the finest tobacco, using a meticulous process that ensures a perfect draw, smooth burn, and unforgettable flavor. Whether you’re lighting up a Davidoff Signature, a Millennium Blend, or a Winston Churchill, you know you’re in for a luxurious smoking experience.


Davidoff cigars are all about precision. From how they select the tobaccos to their attention to detail in the blending process, each Davidoff cigar is designed to elevate your cigar-smoking experience to new heights. Their cigars are renowned for their complexity and balance, making them a top choice for enthusiasts around the world.

What This Means for You

With the addition of Davidoff to our collection, we’re now offering the full spectrum of the finest cigars available. Whether you’re in the mood for a rich and robust Padrón, a smooth and spicy Fuente, or the elegant refinement of a Davidoff, we’ve got something to suit every palate. Yes, we have the sweet and flavored kind too!


And it’s not just about variety—it’s about quality. Every time you come in, you’ll find cigars from the most respected brands in the world, with consistency that will never disappoint.


So come by, grab a Davidoff (or any of our cigars), and experience for yourself why these brands are legends in the world of cigars. We can’t wait to share this exciting new chapter in our cigar journey with you! Thank you for being part of our story. Your requests and feedback mean everything to us, and we’re thrilled to be able to deliver on this one. Cheers to great cigars and even better company! Sip, Smoke, Savor friends! See you soon!